I was talking to a friend about going to a second hand book sale last weekend. She asked me how many I took back each time. I blinked at her. ‘Took back? There’s no taking back.’
I keep ALL my books. It has to be something truly dreadful for me to evict it from my home. And yes, we have a lot of bookshelves, and also not quite enough of them.
And I have thousands of eBooks in my kindle and a few less in Kobo.
I am trying to keep track of the eBooks that I have actually forked out my cold hard cash for. It seems like I ought to read them first rather than the free ones. Does that make sense?
So I tagged the confirmation email in Outlook with red for ‘bought’ and then I go back and change it to green when I’ve read it. Still got a few dozen to go. The boxed sets knock me around.
Up to 329 books so far this year; read and reviewed. I’m shooting for 365. Note to self: work out how to add in the Goodreads app to this website.
Wherever you are, I hope you’re enjoying a good story, too.