This week I signed up to a video promotion. The guy running it promised that we would learn how to use a program to save us valuable time. He offered to teach us how to do that in three videos with an offer at the end to sign up to a free live webinar. Each video was 30 minutes long, so I’d already spent one and half hours on it.
Webinars are often problematic for me with my southern hemisphere location, but I put it in my calendar.
I didn’t make it live at 4 am… and I’m rather glad.
The replay was available and it repeated much of what he had said during the three videos but with a hard sell at the end to do his course for US$299.
The replay ran for 3 hours and 48 minutes.
Just to remind you, the whole premise for this was to save you time. And he’s already used more than 5 hours of a viewer’s time AND he’s asking for money. A lot of money for a how-to course on using a free app.
And even worse, he STILL hasn’t told you much about the program. He emphasised three things that if you’ve used it at all, or read any of the info the app provides for free, you’d already know. And he could have taught you about them in less than 15 minutes total.
I have a theory that if I can learn something from these free webinars, then it isn’t wasted time. But this one definitely was. If I see his name on anything in the future, I’ll be deleting it.