Nanowrimo 2018 – signup

To nano or not to nano?

*spoiler alert* I signed up.

As per usual I left it to the last minute, or the first day. I was listening to Writing Excuses and Mary Robinette Kowal said something about how she’d written all her books in Nano and that it didn’t matter if you won or lost, you had a pile of words at the end of it.

Nano works for me. I do the words. I’m also going to sign up for 4theWords app. I hear great things about it from Mur Lafferty and Rachael Stephens.

I will try to keep a blog diary; may as well… and no, it won’t count towards my word count. Worst luck. *grins*

So it’s the second day of the month and what’s the first thing that happens? My PC crashes.


Ah well, I drag out the Chromebook.

Turn it on. Nothing happens. The black screen of death.

I am cursed; cursed I tell you!


I fixed the Chromebook after holding start button down for seven long seconds and praying to all the gods of writing. By then the PC had thought better of itself and restarted.

Hope dawns in the distance…



Writing excuses

Mur Lafferty – I should be Writing podcast

Rachael Stephens – youtube

To nano or not to nano


Last year (2016) I did national novel writing month. The aim is to write 50,000 words in one month; November, a busy social month for most Americans.

I missed the cut by 421 words, officially. I wasn’t so much angry as disappointed in myself. As I said in a blog post, all I needed to do was write 14 more words every day.

Since then, I’ve written two (maybe three) more novels and failed to publish them. I am honestly getting very annoyed with myself, which of course cycles back into putting more pressure on myself.

I don’t know what it is about Nanowrimo that works for me but I can usually do it and win. I’ve even done the camps and set my own word count of higher than 50k.

So I guess I may as well do it.

And I literally just made up my mind right then as I typed that out.

What’ll I write? I dunno. I’d better think of something fast. It starts tomorrow.


my 2016 blog post

My nanowrimo page